+ Tips on Creating a Reception Menu vipmagsph, February 9, 2012February 9, 2012, Articles, Caterers, Featured Venues, 0 Do you remember three years back, going out on a dinner date, and your boyfriend asks you, “ What...
+ Saving Your Top Tier of Your Wedding Cake vipmagsph, July 9, 2012July 9, 2012, Articles, Cakes & Desserts, D-I-Y Ideas, 0 In most traditions concerning weddings, it is customary that the top tier of the wedding cake be saved and...
+ Creative Wedding Guest Books vipmagsph, March 2, 2012March 2, 2012, Articles, D-I-Y Ideas, 0 Sharing the joy of a new marriage is the reason we invite close family and friends to join the...
+ Citizens Bank Park – A Phillies Fan’s Dream vipmagsph, November 10, 2011November 10, 2011, Articles, Caterers, Featured Venues, 0 If you are a bride who is looking for a wedding venue that is far from ordinary, this may...
+ Your Wedding Playlist! vipmagsph, February 16, 2012February 16, 2012, Articles, Entertainment, 0 Sometimes planning your wedding feels like a full-time job. And with having to deal with your paying job, friend...
+ Shoes vipmagsph, January 15, 2013January 15, 2013, Articles, Evening Wear, Wedding Planning Tools, 0 Click here to enlarge! ...
+ Etiquette for Writing Wedding Thank You Notes vipmagsph, October 10, 2012October 10, 2012, Articles, Invitations, 0 Hand written thank you cards for wedding gifts may have dissipated throughout the years. Most would say it is...
+ From Ms. to Mrs. vipmagsph, January 30, 2014January 30, 2014, Articles, 0 Congratulations on your marriage! Now is the time to begin the last name change process. Be sure to begin...