+ 2014 Wedding Color Trends vipmagsph, November 12, 2013November 12, 2013, Articles, Trends, 0 Before being able to plan your wedding, think about the color scheme you want to have. There are tons...
+ 2013 Wedding Trend vipmagsph, September 11, 2012September 11, 2012, Articles, 0 We have been hearing the buzz for 2013 weddings is bird themed! Weddings themed around these feathery animals can...
+ A Touch of Gold vipmagsph, March 11, 2014March 11, 2014, Articles, Wedding Planning Tools, 0 Click here to enlarge! ...
+ Something Borrowed vipmagsph, June 6, 2013June 6, 2013, Articles, Wedding Planning Tools, 0 Click here to enlarge! ...
+ Citizens Bank Park – A Phillies Fan’s Dream vipmagsph, November 10, 2011November 10, 2011, Articles, Caterers, Featured Venues, 0 If you are a bride who is looking for a wedding venue that is far from ordinary, this may...
+ Summer Wedding Trends for 2013 vipmagsph, May 22, 2013May 22, 2013, Articles, 0 Summer wedding trends that are popular for 2013 include prints for gowns and wedding decor, unique backdrops for the...
+ How to Word and Assemble Wedding Invitations vipmagsph, April 30, 2012April 30, 2012, Articles, Invitations, 0 Wedding invitations are very important because they set the mood for your celebration. The wedding invitation is the first...
+ Should you have an open bar? vipmagsph, October 1, 2012October 1, 2012, Articles, 0 Have you thought about having an open bar? Does it fit in your wedding budget? There are a few...