+ Cleaning/Preservation of your Wedding Gown vipmagsph, July 12, 2012July 12, 2012, Articles, Evening Wear, 0 Wedding Gown Cleaning/Preservation: On your special day there are lots of DIY projects that you and your groom can...
+ John F. Collins Park: A Garden Wedding Hideaway vipmagsph, March 13, 2014March 13, 2014, Articles, Featured Venues, 0 An outside wedding reception is an ideal location for weddings during the spring and summer months. This beautiful hidden...
+ 2013 Wedding Trend vipmagsph, September 11, 2012September 11, 2012, Articles, 0 We have been hearing the buzz for 2013 weddings is bird themed! Weddings themed around these feathery animals can...
+ Maid of Honor Gift Ideas vipmagsph, June 19, 2012June 19, 2012, Articles, Gifts & Registries, 0 Your maid of honor plays a really big role in your wedding and wedding planning. Not only is she...
+ Highlands Historic Mansion & Gardens vipmagsph, June 17, 2014June 17, 2014, Articles, Featured Venues, 0 Looking for a unique wedding venue? Consider Highlands Historic Mansion and Gardens, an elegant Georgian-style Mansion located on gorgeous...
+ Flowery Speech vipmagsph, April 5, 2013April 5, 2013, Articles, Wedding Planning Tools, 0 Click here to enlarge! ...
+ Pantone’s Color of the Year: Emerald Green vipmagsph, February 8, 2013February 8, 2013, Articles, 0 Pantone predicts a color of the year each year. For 2013, Emerald won the color of the year! The...
+ The Groom’s Cake vipmagsph, January 27, 2012January 27, 2012, Articles, Cakes & Desserts, 0 Here comes the groom, here comes the groom, how about creating a groomsman cake? Weddings are the bride’s...